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Ioncube Decoder

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by pistmariastir1977 2020. 12. 7. 18:19


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From time to time we get asked if it’s possible to decode ionCube encoded files back to source; maybe a developer’s source code was lost or a user wants to change some 3rd party code.


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  1. IonCube Decode - SourceGuardian Decode - Zend Decode. Want to protect your php source code? We guarantee 100% unrecoverable. We use ioncube encoder and own method so your php source code is unrecoverable.
  2. Decode “phpcipher.bin”. Phpcipher.bin is encoded with Zend Guard and php 5.2 and it can be decoded by any decoder made for IonCube and php 5.2. You can find, free on the.

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TheLetslookProject Discontinued.998bd45Jan 2, 2017
1 contributor
title IonCube Decoder
color a
goto mainMenu
echo #######################################################
echo IonCube Priv8 Decoder V1 + PHP Auto - Fixer Decoder
echo Zend Optimizer Decoder
echo PHPExpress Decoder
echo Zend XCache Decoder
echo PHP Encryptions Decode
echo All UpToDate Decoder
echo #######################################################
echo.Alert ++ Should Put Decoder on C: Drive Like This c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1
echo #######################################################
echo IonCube Priv8 Decoder V1 + PHP Auto - Fixer Decoder
echo Zend Optimizer Decoder
echo PHPExpress Decoder
echo Zend XCache Decoder
echo PHP Encryptions Decode
echo All UpToDate Decoder
echo #######################################################
echo.Alert ++ Should Put Decoder on C: Drive Like This c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1
echo [1] - Decode IC8.x and Zend Optimizer UpToDate (PHP 5.3):
echo [2] - Decode IC8.x and Zend Optimizer UpToDate (PHP 5.2):
echo [3] - Decode IC7.x and Zend Optimizer UpToDate (PHP 5.3):
echo [4] - Decode IC7.x and Zend Optimizer and PHPExpress UpToDate (PHP 5.2):
echo [5] - Decode IC6.x and Zend Optimizer and PHPExpress UpToDate (PHP 5.2):
echo [6] - Decode Zend XC (PHP 5.2):
echo [7] - Decrypt PHP Encryptions (PHP 5.3):
echo [8] - Run AutoFixer in Directory DECODED:
echo [9] - Exit.
set /P C=>NUL
if'%C%''1'goto decodev81
if'%C%''2'goto decodev82
if'%C%''3'goto decodeNET
if'%C%''4'goto decodeTOKK
if'%C%''5'goto decodeNWS
if'%C%''6'goto decodeXC
if'%C%''7'goto decodePS2
if'%C%''8'goto autofixer
if'%C%''9'goto exitApplication
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC8_5.3
move c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.php c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC8_5.3enc >NUL
FOR%%i IN (enc*.php) DO (
php-cgi.exe -c php53.ini %%i > dec%%~nxi
move dec*.php ..DECODED >NUL
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1
FOR%%A IN (phpIC8_5.3enc*.*) DO ECHO Y |DEL%%A
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC8_5.2
FOR%%i IN (..ENCODED*.php) DO (
php.exe -c php.ini %%i
move ..ENCODED*.php ..DECODED >NUL
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC7_5.3
move c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.php c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC7_5.3enc >NUL
FOR%%i IN (enc*.php) DO (
php-cgi.exe -c php.ini %%i > dec%%~nxi
move dec*.php ..DECODED >NUL
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1
FOR%%A IN (phpIC7_5.3enc*.*) DO ECHO Y |DEL%%A
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC7_5.2
FOR%%i IN (..ENCODED*.php) DO (
php.exe -c php.ini %%i
move ..ENCODED*.de.php ..DECODED >NUL
for%%j in (..DECODED*.*) do (
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpIC6_5.2
FOR%%i IN (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.php) DO (
php.exe %%i /execute /path:c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED
for%%j in (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED*.*) do (
FOR%%A IN (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.*) DO ECHO Y |DEL%%A
FOR%%i IN (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED*.php) DO (
c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phplib_fixer.exe %%i 'Test'
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpxcache
php.exe folder_decompile.php c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED
FOR%%A IN (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.*) DO ECHO Y |DEL%%A
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpUniversal_Decoder
FOR%%i IN (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.php) DO php.exe %%i
move c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*_de.php c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED >NUL
for%%j in (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED*.*) do (
FOR%%A IN (c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1ENCODED*.*) DO ECHO Y |DEL%%A
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpFixer
move c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1DECODED*.php c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1phpFixerenc >NUL
FOR%%i IN (enc*.php) DO (
php.exe -c php.ini Formatting_Dec_IonCube_V4.php %%i dec%%~nxi
move dec*.php ..DECODED >NUL
cd c:ioncube_priv8_decoder_v1
FOR%%A IN (phpFixerenc*.*) DO ECHO Y |DEL%%A
echo'File(s) Decompiled'
echo Press any key to return to the menu
goto mainMenu
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Active6 years, 11 months ago

My disney kitchen pc crack download. I am customizing geodesic classified, my client has not given me access to a licence file (rather I have not asked him about this).

I am able to customize it from the admin panel, but I want to customize it on my local system.

But when I tried to do this it get redirected to site off page.

Ioncube Php Decoder

I think it is because of the product.php file code (I have same code as this one):

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closed as too localized by Lusitanian, Sergey K., rene, Julien Poulin, StewbobOct 10 '12 at 10:44


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1 Answer

ionCube (at least when it was PHP Accelerator) compiled PHP to bytecode prior to encoding.

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This eliminates the source code entirely, and even if you were able to reverse the encoding process, you would still be left with compiled opcodes, not source.

The ionCube loader decodes the bytecode, which then does not need to be parsed, and is executed directly by the PHP virtual machine.

Ioncube Decoder Online

If I recall correctly, the encoder also performs optimisations and obfuscations on the bytecode, that help prevent decompilation.

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Ioncube Encoder

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